HH Parakala Swamigal Thirunakshatram Celebrations - May 1st 2011

Tirunakshatram Program at Sri Parakala Mathamm Mysore for the Period April 26, 2011 through May 7, 2011

Attached please find the Tirunakshatram program at Sri Parakala Matham, Mysore during the period April 26 through May 7 2011. Please note in particular that the Tirunakshatram of the present Jeer HH Srimad Abhinava Vageesha Brahmatantra Parakala Swamy will be celebrated on May 1 and the Tirunakshatram of Srimad Bhagavad Ramanuja will be celebrated on May 7 during this period.

Devotees in the US who wish make a contribution may please pay by Credit Card at www.parakalamatham.org/node/66 and use the last donation Button "Any Other Matham Activity". You may contribute to any of the 3 items, namely Nakhstra Homa, Sri Sudarshana Homa or Tadiyaradhana at the suggested rates of $15, $60 and $120 respectively or yathashakti.

visit http://parakalamatham.org for more details.